Abuela Grillo - FanGame
Este videojuego está basado en el cortometraje de la "Abuela grillo" que fué producido en The Animation Workshop en Viborg, Dinamarca, por The Animation Workshop, Nicobis, Escorzo, y la Comunidad de Animadores bolivianos, el cual tiene el apoyo del Gobierno de Dinamarca.
Animado por 8 animadores bolivianos, dirigido por un francès (Denis Chapon), música por la ambasadora de bolivia en Francia, compuesta por otro francès, un proyecto danès, ayuda de produccion por un mexicano y una alemana. Adaptado de un mito ayoreo.
El enlace del cortometraje es
Toda la música y los efectos de sonido fueron tomados sin permiso del cortometraje:)
Este video juego NO! tiene fines comerciales.
El nacimiento de éste videojuego es debido a los sucesos que están pasando en la Amazonia, y a los esfuerzos de https://www.facebook.com/Abuela-Grillo-110637500303383/ por brindar su granito de arena.
Abuela Grillo - FanGame
Developed by AnimatiX Estudio
This video game is based on the short film "Grandmother Cricket" that was produced in The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark, by The Animation Workshop, Nicobis, Escorzo, and the Community of Bolivian Animators, which has the support of the Government of Denmark.
Abuela Grillo - FanGame
Developed by AnimatiX Estudio
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The objective of the game is not clear.
Other aspects of the game are really good.
Ty for playing, we had planned to include a small tutorial and other mechanics, but we couldn't due to lack of time, maybe there will be an update later.
Thank you for the reply . This is a really great game if you would had put the objective clear, but other wise the game looks great . I really like the design and graphics. I would really like to help if you need any.
Ty so much, I appreciate it very much. That motivates me to continue developing the video game, and if I manage to update it I would really like it if you continue playing it and tell me what you think, that helps a lot for developers who are just starting out :)
Thanks to you for creating a great game. I am willing to play the many times until I see this game is finished.😉😁